broken oath
all time kung fu cult classic
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her father murdered by four traitors and her mother framed her and senteced to jail, angela is born in prison. as her mother dies of childbirth, her last words to her fellow prisoners are to tell her daughter to gain revenge on her father s killers. as a baby she is placed with a uddhist nunnery(though for some reason she is only one with her head unshaven!). as she grows up, she has a burning anger and hatered inside her that she can t explain. when three men attempt to rape her, she kills them with pure savagery and tells the abbot?something in me urges me to kill?. the monastery asks her to leave, but also finally tells her about the story of her parents.needless to say- she immediately seeks to find the men and gain revenge. a pickpocket and her pet killer scorpions come along to assist her.

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