Thunder Cops II

Thunder Cops II, Lau Man Cha Poh

Genre: Action.
Date: 1989
Parts: 2
Language: Chinese
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: Sandra Ng stars as a vengeful policewoman in Thunder Cops II, a tough cop actioner co- Stephen Chow in an early role. Sandra Ng is Nam Tse, a low-level beat cop who applies herself to become a top policewoman after the murder of her father. Driven by the desire to avenge his death, she climbs the police ladder and eventually takes over the investigation into her father’s murder. But she’s beset by stonewalling suits, so she takes matters into her own hands. Stephen Chow co-stars as the crippled brother of Sing Fui On, a gangster who may or may not be responsible for the murder. Directed with melodramatic excess by Jeff Lau (All for the Winner), Thunder Cops II is a violent and sometimes shocking cop thriller that presents two usual comedic actors (Sandra Ng and Stephen Chow) in surprising dramatic roles. Featuring knockdown fight sequences and blistering gunplay from veteran action choreographer Yuen Cheung Yan! Stephen Chow Sandra Ng Kwan Yue Shing Fui On Sing Chi Ann Bridgewater Sunny Fang Kang Wu Fung Jeff Lau Chun Wai Lam Siu Lau Joh Chung Sing, Eddie Ko Hung Lo Hung Peter Ngor Chi Kwan Pomson Shi Yuen Lung Chu

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