Save The Green Planet!,

Save The Green Planet!,
Parts: 1
Language: Korean
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: A graduate of the Korean Academy of Film Arts, director and screenwriter Jang Jun-hwan made his debut in 1995 with the short film 2001: Imagine, about a Korean man who believes himself to be the reincarnation of John Lennon. Reviewers and critics praised the short, with many proclaiming Jang Jun-hwan as a talent to watch. After this auspicious debut, Jun-hwan honed his skills by working as assistant director on Park Ki-yong’s art-house drama Motel Cactus and penning the action-thriller Phantom: The Submarine. When it was announced that Jang Jun-hwan was developing his debut feature film, expectations were high, but few, if any, could have predicted the film that would result.

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