Neighbour No 13

Neighbour No 13, ??13?, Rinjin 13-g?, Rinjin Juusan Gou, The Neighbor No. Thirteen

Genre: Thriller.
Date: 2005
Parts: 3
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: “”That was the other me who’s in my body.”” Juzo Murasaki is a young introvert who’s moved to a new town where he has a new job. On his first day at a construction site he meets his foreman and realises that, to his quiet horror, the foreman is no other than Toru Akai. Akai was solely responsible for making Juzo’s life hell by bullying him for years at school. It soon becomes clear that Akai – now a married man with a kid – hasn’t changed one bit. He’s still a callous, mean-streaked bully who’s bent on mistreating people under his control. Although he doesn’t recognise his former victim, he automatically adds Juzo to his list of victims at the construction site. When Juzo discovers that Akai lives upstairs from him at their apartment block, he’s started to feel the effects of his traumatic experiences of being bullied by Akai and his crones. These effects give strength to his alter ego – a scarred, mentally deranged man named No. 13 – that slowly takes over Juzo to start a highly orchestrated vengeance against those who hurt Juzo, past and present. Shun Oguri – J?z? Murasaki Shid? Nakamura – 13-g?/No. 13 Hirofumi Arai – T?ru [Tohru] Akai Yumi Yoshimura – Nozomi Akai Tomoya Ishii – Hajime Seki Minoru Matsumoto – Shinigami (death god) Hitori Gekidan – Comedian on TV Takashi Miike (cameo) – Kaneda

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