Last Life In The Universe

Last Life In The Universe, ????????? ??????? ??????, Ruang rak noi nid mahasan
Genre: Crime.
Date: 2003
Parts: 2
Language: Thai
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: A mysterious, obsessive-compulsive, suicidal Japanese man living in Bangkok, Thailand, is thrown together with a Thai woman through a tragic chain of events. The woman is everything he is not. He is a neat freak who keeps his dishes washed and his books neatly stacked and categorized. She dresses like a slob, smokes pot and never picks anything up. It’s a match that somehow works, though. Slowly and entertainingly, more is revealed about the Japanese man and why he’s suicidal and living in Bangkok Tadanobu Asano – Kenji Sinitta Boonyasak – Noi Laila Boonyasak – Nid Yutaka Matsushige – Yukio Riki Takeuchi – Takashi Takashi Miike – Yakuza

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