Happy Hearts,

Happy Hearts,
Genre: Comedy, Romance.
Date: 2007
Parts: 4
Language: Tagalog
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: Alvin and Kristine are two young people whose paths cross when he comes back from the States to be closer to his dad, who is estranged from his mom. But his return comes as a surprise to his dad, who wants to keep his real sexual orientation–and relationship with another man–under wraps. As a professor, he wants to keep up appearances because he thinks he will keep his students’ respect that way. How will things blow over when Alvin and Kristine fall deeply in love and decide to elope? Things won’t be easy for any of them with Kristine’s father being the president of the school where Alvin’s father teaches. Shaina Magdayao … Kristine Rayver Cruz … Alvin Rustom Padilla … Enrico Wendell Ramos … Louie Jean Garcia … Sarah Tirso Cruz III … Mr. Ricafrente

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