
Genre: Comedy.
Date: 2005
Parts: 1
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: The film revolves around the mostly dependable Toraji (Kokubun Taichi of TOKIO) and free-spirited Haiji (Domoto Tsuyoshi of KinKi Kids), two siblings who suddenly become President and Executive Director of Armadillo, Inc. when their father, Kintaro Koinobori, suddenly steps down from his position and appoints his sons in his stead. With the help of their father, the two brothers continue to keep Armadillo Inc. at the top of the heap, yet slowly, but surely the relationship among all three begins to deteriorate. Will the family hold together? Will they pull through? The answer may lie in a song the boys are composing. That song’s name – Fantastipo… Tsuyoshi Domoto (of KinKi Kids) – Haiji Taichi Kokubun (of TOKIO) – Toraji Medaka Ikeno – Frankie Nanako Ôkôchi – Matthewko Kimika Yoshino – Kahori

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