Blue Spring

Blue Spring, ???, Aoi Haru
Genre: School Life, Teen.
Date: 2001
Parts: 3
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: “”It’s an international school with – “” “”International, whatever … who cares? This is Japan, and this is our school.”” The situation at the all-boys Asashi High is not very good. With their school cited as one of the worst high schools in Japan, students are apathetic and disaffected with no hope for future. As far as they can see there are only three options in life: a life-long struggle to survive; the Yakuza way, and death. Meanwhile these students have formed their own society in this concrete wasteland, one of cruelty and strength. They have also devised a highly dangerous rooftop game – the Clapping Game – to elect a leader who gets to rule all gangs in school. The new leader of the senior class is Kujo whose general apathy is punctuated by moments of violence and physical prowess by those who challenge his control. His right hand man and best friend Aoki has always been a misfit as well, but takes to the power that this position affords him. As the students of the school become more frustrated and bored, the violence escalates until the structure of this miniature society threatens to implode, destroying not only the boys’ futures, but possibly their lives as well. Cast Ryuhei Matsuda – Kujo Hirofumi Arai – Aoki Sousuke Takaoka – Yukio Yusuke Oshiba – Kimura Yuta Yamazaki – Ota Sh?go Oshinari – Yoshimura Eita – Ghost Based on Taiyo Matsumoto’s autobiographical short-story manga collection.

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