Umizaru 2: Test Of Trust (Limit Of Love),

Umizaru 2: Test Of Trust (Limit Of Love),
Parts: 4
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English

Synopsis: Hideaki Ito / Ai Kato He’s committed to saving lives. Can he commit to living one? Sequel to box office hit about Coast Guards,’Umizaru’.Two years into his career as a Japan Coast Guard frogman,Daisuke Senzake(Hideaki Ito) has matured into a seasoned diver destined to be among the corp’s elite.But he is haunted by past failure and the emotional strain that accompanies a job of saving lives has cast doubts in Daisuke’s mind that threaten to destroy his relationship with Kanna(Ai Kato). Test of Trust was shot off the coasts of Kagoshima and Miyazaki,includes realistic sea and underwater footages.The centerpiece of the film is a specially-built enormous passenger ferry boat where all the adventure unfolds.

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